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Solution Engineering Workshop

A transformative 2-day workshop which will unlock participants’ full potential in solution presentations. Participants will gain expert insights on communication techniques, storytelling, demos, and managing objections. They will also learn techniques to engage audiences, boost confidence in a solution, and make a lasting impact. This workshop creates confident presenters who build meaningful connections and achieve success at the top levels of solution engineering.



A look at the discovery process that focuses on understanding the needs, preferences, and behaviours of customers. This covers gathering data, conducting research, and engaging in direct conversations with customers to gain insights. By learning how to actively listen and empathise with customers, participants can identify pain points, uncover opportunities, and tailor products, services, and experiences to meet customer expectations. Participants will learn how to build meaningful relationships and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Communication styles

There are four clear types of communication styles: Analytical communicators prefer facts and details. Amiable communicators emphasise harmony and empathy. Drivers prioritise efficiency and results. Expressives focus on enthusiasm and emotions. Participants will learn how to communicate and collaborate effectively with each of these types of communicators.

Demo delivery tools, tips, and strategies

The right delivery is key to a successful demo and ensuring the customer remembers your pitch, and not your competitors’. This covers leveraging remote or in-person tools, preparing concise and engaging scripts, focusing on customer pain points, demonstrating key features, incorporating visuals and interactive elements, and drawing on real-life use cases. All of these factors ensure a demo is impactful.

Storytelling is a powerful tool in business presentations, and by weaving together narratives, facts, and emotions, storytelling engages audiences, making messages more memorable and relatable. Participants will learn how stories engage listeners on an emotional level, creating a connection that enhances comprehension and retention.


Whiteboarding is about collaboration and creativity, using a whiteboard as a canvas to illustrate ideas, concepts, and solutions. This covers how, through sketches, diagrams, and annotations, complex information can be simplified and shared effectively. This is a great technique for brainstorming and facilitating the delivery of clear and concise messages.

Managing objections

Participants will learn how managing objections in presentations is a crucial skill to develop in order to ensure effective communication and persuasiveness. It involves actively listening to objections, acknowledging them, and providing well-reasoned responses. By addressing concerns, clarifying misunderstandings, and highlighting the benefits of a solution, presenters build trust, overcome resistance, and increase the chances of achieving their objectives.

Team presentation and demo

At the end of the two-day workshop, participants will deliver a compelling presentation to a team of executives, incorporating all the skills and techniques they have learned over the course of the workshop.

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